Nancy Erickson Dutmer

Entertainment is the backbone of my art. Each piece starts with random inspiration which leads me generally to vintage photos, where colorful characters, themes and costuming commingle from various eras into my compositions.

When painting, I prefer to work in oils, but the theatrics shine more through painted fabric and bead embroidered art pieces. I conceived this technique to emulate my past profession on stage in dazzling costumes. As I hand stitch each sequin and bead upon my subject, the embellished fabric takes on weight similar to a beaded gown.
Fabric paints on stretched fabric became the foundation of this artistry, for the ease of sewing every bauble on by hand. My most ambitious project to date is a series I call 1960s: Fashion and Fame. These are hand painted/bead embroidered portraits of female icons of the sixties era. Still, I continue to waffle between oil painting and bead embroidery, as they both satisfy my artistic cravings in different ways, and they both feed into my desire for audience entertainment.